“We would talk about a movie that hadn’t been made yet many times, or a movie that had been made. So it was almost irrelevant, what the movie was about. We would discuss the movie, not according to what was really going on, but how we felt about the movie. We would just come up with really crazy ideas.
Sometimes it would be cut and clear, like Stuff Stephanie into the Incinerator. Sometimes I’d get an idea ahead of time and I’d thumb through my references. There was nothing digital so I would just literally have stockpiles of women, or porno scenes, and I would go through them … which was kind of funny, to have all these porno magazines, but it was part of my lexicon. […]
It was so much fun to work with them. I’d say it was one of the most creative jobs I’ve had, because we did it together. We just went back and forth with ideas. It was only two of us plus Michael chiming in, and that’s such a difference compared to any poster would ever get done today – or even in that day!
Bob Peak was very popular at the time I was doing my work. But if you look at those illustrations and compare them to mine — okay, there’s tons of money behind that, and it made him a lot of money — there was probably no less than twenty people involved in that decision of that poster. So think about the difference between twenty people having their impact, where they feel like they have to put in their two cents, and did, and it looks like that. As opposed to Lloyd [Kaufman] and I having fun.”
That’s the biggest difference that I can say about my work with Troma than any other poster that was being done at the time.
I think I did about twenty total paintings for Troma. It was always fun. Whenever I got a call from them: ‘Tricia, can you come down, Lloyd wants to talk to you.’ I was like, ‘Yeah! Let’s go have some fun.’ And the paintings would be big, and you’d just throw in everything, like the kitchen sink was in there. ‘Cause he liked that, and I liked doing it.
They were always oil paintings. They were rather large, 30′ x 40′. I have all the originals. Right now, I have them all, but they’re starting to sell. I’m getting a nice dollar — don’t tell Lloyd.”
— Tricia Zimic on her time making film posters for Troma (via The Art of Troma)