“Although the film has long taken its place among the recognized mass communication media, it has still not entirely shaken off the odium of the early days, when it was the plebeian substitute for the theatre and less than refined form of entertainment. This is not altogether surprising, for the advertising directed at the potential film-goer has remained for the most part lurid and loud, with texts festooned with devaluated superlatives and a graphic face hardly less primitive than that of winter sales placards. A glance at film advertisements and posters, or at the printed matter available at the box office, only strengthens one’s conviction that film publicity deliberately chooses a cheap and common graphic idiom in order to attract the masses. This sort of advertising has come to be taken for granted, if only because it seems not unreasonable that the cinema owner should use the most appropriate methods – as he seems them – for wooing the broad public on whom his survival depends.”
— Dr. Maria Netter (via Graphis #113, 1964)