R. O. Blechman on rejected work

“I was recently asked by a well-regarded publication to draw a dozen spot illustrations for an editorial feature. The turnaround? Roughs the next day, finished the following. Being an old if gnarled hand at this business, and greatly admiring the publication and its art direction, I accepted.

I turned in roughs the next day — nearly all finishes, by the way. Roughs often convey the spirit and inspiration of the moment. The remainder of the finishes were sent the following day. I had to make some minor adjustments, but the work was ready to use. ‘Perfect,’ the art director emailed. What could be better? I was home free.

Or so I thought. I received an apologetic email that same day. ‘My editor wants something less ‘cartoony’ and more ‘graphic.’ I’m really sorry, I think what you’ve done here is great…'”

— R. O. Blechman