A fun anecdote from Peter Hook, co-founder of Joy Division and New Order, on founding member Bernard Sumner’s influence in the creation of the band’s first album cover, from Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division:
“He was always on the lookout for images to put on our stuff; and looking through a book, The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy, he saw a diagram of a pulsar, showed it to [designer] Peter Saville, and that was it. Bernard doesn’t get nearly enough credit for that, because he couldn’t have made a better choice: that image is now forever associated with Joy Division and Unknown Pleasures the record. […] Either way, Peter went off, applied his magic and turned it into Unknown Pleasures, putting all his great little touches on it: the textured paper, the text on the reverse and the light and shade of having the outer sleeve black and the inner sleeve white.”